CT of the head in stroke
Mikael Häggström; Authors if integrated Creative Commons article[1] [notes 1]
Choice of modality
- CT of the head in stroke is generally the first investigation because of high availability.[2] It detects about 60% of infarcts in the first 3 to 6 hours, and almost always thereafter.[2]
- MRI of the head in stroke is generally less available, but preferred if there are no MRI contraindications, and your clinic has established procedures for its performance in acute stroke (if you do not know, it is reasonable to assume that there is not, and do CT).
Still not sure? See: CT vs MRI in stroke
How soon
According to UK guidelines, imaging should be performed immediately for people with suspected acute stroke if any of the following apply:[3]
- Indications for thrombolysis or early anticoagulation treatment
- Current anticoagulant treatment
- Any known bleeding tendency
- Depressed level of consciousness of Glasgow coma scale (GCS) of less than 13
- Unexplained progressive or fluctuating symptoms
- Papilledema, neck stiffness or fever
- Severe headache at onset of stroke symptoms.
"Immediately" is defined as 'ideally the next slot and definitely within 1 hour.[3]
In case of acute stroke without indications for immediate imaging, it should be performed within a maximum of 24 hours after onset of symptoms.[3]
Initially without IV contrast.
Non-contrast CT
Non-contrast CT in early infarction has a variable detection rate of about 65% in cases imaged within 6 hours. A description of these signs is below.[1]
- Hyperdense artery/MCA sign
This is a result of a thrombus or embolus (usually in the MCA) resulting in an increased density of the blocked vessel. The prevalence ranges from about 27% in all types of strokes to 41% with MCA infarct with a specificity of 100%, but sensitivity of only 30% . This sign disappears with resolution of the thrombus in a few days. False positives are due to calcification of the walls or a high hematocrit (Figure 1).[1]
- Hypo-attenuating brain tissue
Ischemia causes cytotoxic edema; an increase in brain water by 1% results in a CT attenuation decrease of 2.5 HU (Hounsfield Units) . The specificity of ischemic edema on NCCT for brain infarcts is 85% and sensitivity was 64%, with lack of early CT findings resulting in better 90 day clinical outcomes and vice versa . Also seen is cortical sulcal effacement (Figure 2).[1]
Figure 1. Hyperdense Artery Sign. The “Dense MCA or hyperdense vessel/artery sign” is one of the early signs of acute middle cerebral artery (MCA) territory infarction. This corresponds to a hyper-dense cord like MCA seen in the regionof the Sylvian fissure on non-contrast CT which represents thrombotic material in main stem of the MCA.[1]
Figure 2. Left middle cerebral artery (MCA) infarction. Axial nonenhanced computer tomography shows foci of hypoattenuation in the left parenchyma (arrows) and sulcal effacement in the left MCA territory, consistent with infarction.[1]
- Obscuration of the lentiform nucleus
Also called blurred basal ganglia; it is one of the most common and earliest seen sign of infarction (MCA) due to terminal blood supply pattern. The loss of the grey-white matter interface and CT hypodensity results in the ‘obscuration’ of the lentiform nucleus.[1]
- Insular ribbon sign
Another early and indicative sign of infarction (MCA) refers to hypodensity and swelling of the insular cortex results in loss of the insular ribbon (Figure 3).[1]

- Hemorrhagic infarct
There is usually a sharp contrast between blood (high attenuating- seen as brighter white areas) and CSF (low attenuating-dark areas) (Figure 4 A & B).[1]
Figure 4A: Axial nonenhanced CTshows “bright” or hyper attenuating dense subarachnoid hemorrhage throughout the perimesencephalic cistern (arrow), along the tentorium (double arrows), and from there to the 4th (double arrowheads) and 3rd (arrowhead) ventricles.[1]
Figure 4B: Nonenhanced axial CT demonstrates a large right basal ganglionic hypertensive bleed (*) complicated by mass effect, midline shift (subfalcine herniation)to the left (arrows). The blood is seen as hyper-attenuating or bright.[1]
By altering standard viewing parameters, the sensitivity and specificity of stroke detection can be increased.[1]
Quantification of ischemic involvement - ASPECTS

A major reason for quantifying the volume in ischemic involvement is because extensive cerebral ischemia further increases the risk of secondary hemorrhage if thrombolysis is given. Alberta Stroke Program Early CT score (ASPECTS) is a 10-point quantitative topographic CT scan score offering a reproducible grading system to score early ischemia in anterior circulation strokes to better direct treatment and reduce the variability of observations. Using two standard axial CT slices; one at the level of the thalamus and basal ganglia, and one just rostral to the basal ganglia, the MCA territory is divided into 10 regions, each accounting for one point in the total score, for each involved area, a point is subtracted. This score correlated inversely with the NIHSS (National Institutes of Health Stroke Score) with clinicians agreeing it superior and more systematic compared to the conventional 1/3 MCA rule to exclude thrombolytic treatment. The ASPECTS method is not without its limitations; such as difficulty in scoring due to age related periventricular white matter changes or streak artifacts in the base of the skull or tilt and motion artifacts..[1]
Edema, dense middle cerebral artery sign, loss of insular ribbon, lenticular hypodensity, acute infarction, sulcal effacement, or ASPECT-score of 8 or 9 |
Mass effect, infarction of >1/3 of the middle cerebral artery territory, midline shift, or ASPECT-score of ≤7 |
ASPECT-score of ≤7 |
Computed tomography angiography (CTA)
CTA is a minimally invasive study with an optimally timed rapid injection of iodinated contrast through a peripheral IV (intravenous) line to cause vascular opacification, obtaining thin section CT images and using software to stitch the images allowing for a 3-dimensional image of cerebral and neck vasculature (from the aortic arch to the circle of Willis). This allows for identification of stenosis and occlusions; assisting therapeutic decisions such as IV or intraarterial TPA, mechanical clot retrieval or in cases of carotid dissection, against such a therapy. CTA also identifies vascular abnormalities such as arterio-venous malformations and aneurysms. CTA demonstrated occlusion does correlate with the NIH Stroke Score and outcome of TPA (Figure 4C, 5A, B, C, D).[1]
Figure 5A: Sagital reformatted images from CT angiogram identify an enhancing vascular malformation (arrow), which was the etiology of the intraventricular hemorrhage.[1]
Figure 5B: Computed tomography angiogram in the axial projection demonstrates a focal basilar tip artery aneurysm (arrow).[1]
Figure 5D: This patient had subarachnoid hemorrhage on non-contrast CT scan. Left image is a maximum intensity projection and right is a volume rendering CTA (to identify source of hemorrhage) which show aneurysm like pouching (red arrows) in the PCOM (2). On conventional angiography, these aneurysms were proved to be the infundibulum of vessels. The diagnosis of aneurysms <3 mm on CTA is often tenuous and requires angiographic confirmation.[1]
Two more volume renderings of the same case, also showing an aneurysm-like pouching in the ACOM.[1]
CTA Source Images: CTA SI using the images in a CTA, cerebral perfusion can be assessed as low density/dark areas in contrast to hyper-attenuated contrast areas allowing for an estimation of tissue perfusion and a better assessment of tissue at risk compared to NCCT potentially removing the need for a separate CT perfusion study.[1]
Computed tomography perfusion imaging (CTP)
CTP (like CTA) tracks an IV bolus of iodinated contrast over time with sections of the brain imaged repeatedly. This allows the measurements of parameters such as cerebral blood volume, cerebral blood flow, mean transit time (time difference between arterial inflow and venous outflow), time to peak enhancement (time from the beginning of the contrast injection to the maximum concentration in a region of interest). These parameters can be extrapolated to delineate areas of hypo-perfusion and irreversible infarction by creating perfusion maps. CTP has shown incremental increased sensitivity and specificity in diagnosing acute ischemic stroke compared to NCCT or CTA . CTP is easily available and can be performed on a standard helical CT after NCCT. Clinically, in acute stroke CTP provides information on the penumbra (increased mean transit time, moderately decreased cerebral blood flow and normal to high cerebral blood volume due to auto regulation or if blood flow is markedly decreased then decreased cerebral blood volume) and on the infarcted tissue (severe decrease in cerebral blood flow, and blood volume with increased mean transit time) with defined cut-offs for each criteria. A drawback of CTP is the need to analyze several brain slices for accurate flow data, requiring a multi detector CT with higher slice row, (currently at 2 slices, evolving to 64 slices) and high radiation exposure. Different techniques are employed such as Dynamic Contrast-enhanced CT and Perfusedblood- volume Mapping . Dynamic contrast enhanced CT consists of monitoring the passage of iodinated contrast bolus which causes a transient increase in attenuation which is in linear relation to the amount of contrast in the region used to generate curves for arterial and venous Regions of Interest which are converted using mathematical models into the perfusion parameters and color coded perfusion maps.[1]

Perfusion maps can give a quick visual read for color changes indicative for perfusion deficits or through measurements (usually not required). Perfused-blood-volume Mapping consists of subtracting the unenhanced CT data from the CTA source image data giving cerebral blood volume data with the advantage of allowing evaluation of the whole brain. However, since it does not allow determination of the mean transit time, blood flow and hence the ischemic penumbra, it clinically has a lesser use (Figure 6A,B).[1]
Figure 6A: (1) Regional cerebral blood flow map from computed tomography perfusion in a case of left middle cerebral artery infarct shows a large perfusion defect in the left frontal and temporal lobes, evidenced by a lack of color display. (2) Regional cerebral blood volume map demonstrates a penumbra of decreased perfusion (indicated with arrows around blue areas) surrounding the defect (purple), indicating potentially reversible ischemia around the perfusion defect.[1]
Subsequent MRI
MRI is seldom performed after CT of stroke in Swedish practice,[5] but can offer additional diagnostics:
- Main article: MRI of the head in stroke
Report even the absence of:
- Intracranial hemorrhage
- Delineable infarction
In case of angiography, report:
- Normal/Unremarkable contrast filling of larger vessels of the cerebrum and cerebellum (or pathology thereof).
- See also: General notes on reporting
- ↑ For a full list of contributors, see article history. Creators of images are attributed at the image description pages, seen by clicking on the images. See Radlines:Authorship for details.
- ↑ 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.21 1.22 1.23 1.24 Shazia Mirza and Sankalp Gokhale (2016-07-25). Neuroimaging in Acute Stroke.
Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) - ↑ 2.0 2.1 Majda Thurnher. Brain Ischemia - Imaging in Acute Stroke. Radiology Assistant. Published: June 2008
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 . Acute stroke. UK National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE). Last updated: 18 December 2018}}
- ↑ Frank, Benedikt; Grotta, James C.; Alexandrov, Andrei V.; Bluhmki, Erich; Lyden, Patrick; Meretoja, Atte; Mishra, Nishant K.; Shuaib, Ashfaq; et al. (2013). "Thrombolysis in Stroke Despite Contraindications or Warnings? ". Stroke 44 (3): 727–733. doi: . ISSN 0039-2499.
- ↑ NU Hospital Group, Sweden