Pelvic bones

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Author: Mikael Häggström [notes 1]

The skeleton of the pelvis:
2–4. Hip bone (os coxae)
1. Sacrum (os sacrum), 2. Ilium (os ilium), 3. Ischium (os ischii)
4. Pubic bone (os pubis) (4a. corpus, 4b. ramus superior, 4c. ramus inferior, 4d. tuberculum pubicum)
5. Pubic symphysis, 6. Acetabulum (of the hip joint), 7. Foramen obturatum, 8. Coccyx/tailbone (os coccygis)
Dotted. Linea terminalis of the pelvic brim

The pelvic bones strictly consist of the sacrum, the coccyx and the hip bones (imaged). In radiology, exams of the hip bones generally also include the the proximal femurs (and the inferior vertebral column) because these also fall within the projections.


Main objectives



In suspected coccyx fractures, projectional radiography has no quantifiable clinical impact,[1] and is regarded as a waste of resources and unnecessary exposure to ionizing radiation.[2]

Related regions


  1. For a full list of contributors, see article history. Creators of images are attributed at the image description pages, seen by clicking on the images. See Radlines:Authorship for details.


  1. Hanna, Tarek N.; Sadiq, Mahniya; Ditkofsky, Noah; Benayoun, Marc; Datir, Abhijit; Rohatgi, Saurabh; Khosa, Faisal (2016). "Sacrum and Coccyx Radiographs Have Limited Clinical Impact in the Emergency Department ". American Journal of Roentgenology 206 (4): 681–686. doi:10.2214/AJR.15.15095. ISSN 0361-803X. 
  2. Henry Knipe. Coccygeal fracture. Radiopaedia. Retrieved on 2019-07-02.